








LA5821 防腐防爆控制按钮(ⅡC) LA5821 Corrosion-proof, Explosion-Proof Controlling Button(ⅡC) 产品概述: ABS注塑外壳,胶环密封,具有良好的抗腐蚀性能和防尘防水性能。 内装隔爆型按钮元件,元件用4220三聚氰胺耐弧塑料压制成型。每个 按钮有两组触点,并同时动作。电缆布线。 ABS injection shell sealed with rubber ring has good anti-corrosion and waterproof and dust-proof features Explosion-insulating type tutton element is built in The element is pressed and shaped with 4220 melocol arc-proof plastic, Each button has two groups of contacts and acts at the same time. 产品特点; 1. 本产品为复合型,外壳采用玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂压制而成,内装断路器为我公司特制的防爆元件,外壳采用增安型结构具 有较强的防水、防尘和耐冲击等优良性能,由于产品主要部件均采用工程塑料,因此具有较强的防腐性能。 2. 本产品经过科学的优化设计,产品结构轻巧,紧凑,但用户安装接线和维修空间较大。 3. 具有过载短路保护功能,可根据要求增加漏电保护等功能。 4. 钢管或电缆布线均可。 5. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079,GB12476.1-2000,IEC61241标准要求。 1. The products are combined type, the shell is made of glass-fiber and unsaturated polyester-resin, inner circuit breaker is our companys special explosion-proof element, the shell is safety-increased structure, with the excellent functions of water-proof, dust-proof and impulsion withstanding, because the main components all use enginering plastic, it has the function of strong corrosion-proof. 2. The product uses scientific optimized design, light and compact structure, but there is big space for the users to install and connect, maintain. 3. With the protection of overload, and short-circuit, it can add the protection offleakage according to the demand. 4. Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring. 5. Suitable for GB3836-2000, IEC60079, GB12476.1-2000, IEC61241 standard request. 适1.爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区; 2.可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3.温度组别:T1~T6; 4.户内、户外 (IP65)。 1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 division、2 division; 2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC; 3. Temperatures classification:T1~T6; 4. Indoor and outdoor(IP65).用范围:
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